

July 2009

  • This was our third annual Special Super Saturday Summer meeting, on July 11 at noon. Free pizza and drinks were served to everyone.
  • Charter Member, Lyman Byrd, gave a presentation about the South East Linux Fest (SELF).
  • Mark Davis gave a presentation on the new Palm Pre, a smartphone running Linux. Included going into developer mode and getting a real bash command line using novacom.

The meeting was NOT audio recorded. Lots of discs were available.

Attendance: 14 members +1 new +0 returning +1 visitor = 16 attendees, minimum.

Membership: 85 members +1 new member (Bloom) +0 returning -6 expired members (Goodwin, Kramer, Ochoa, Quiazon, Scott, Spicer) = 80 TWUUG members.

Treasury is $1562

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