- Mark Davis:
- Helped find a way to unlock secure boot on William Melgaard's new Lenovo laptop. Some discussion.
- Presentation on the open-source, Linux "Embroidermodder" embroidery file editor, along with stitched out samples.
- Made available free (used) Logitech optical, USB mice.
- Discussion on new Raspberry Pi 2
Attendance: 10 members + 0 new + 0 returning + 1 visitor = 11 attendees, minimum.
Membership: 43 members + 0 new + 0 returning - 1 expired (Hess) = 42 TWUUG members.
Congratulations to our newest Fellow level member, Tim Kramer! Congratulations to our newest SENIOR level member (accidentally overlooked on the roster from last year), Mike Perry!!!