- Mark Davis gave a presentation on Master PDF Editor a commercial (non open-source) PDF editor software package written in QT for Linux (and MS-Windows and Mac-OS) that has most of the important features of Adobe Acrobat. Free for home use and low-priced for commercial use, the off-shores vendor (Code Industry) has been very responsive and the program has lots of nice features and is very easy to use. Compared it to the older, open-source, far more limited "PDF Edit" program which is hard to use and development has not progressed for several years.
- Frank Bell gave a presentation on QMMP an open-source clone of the popular music players XMMS / Winamp written in QT. Mark also quickly compared it to Audacious, yet another alternative that is also being actively developed and supported.
- Tim Kramer gave a quick presentation on the Sphinx search engine, a free and open source full text search engine for indexing documents. He also slipped in a neat site called PrintFriendly that he uses to reformat web site articles for static saving as PDF files.
Attendance: 11 Members + 0 new + 1 returning + 0 visitor = 12 attendees, minimum.
Membership: 38 Members + 0 new + 1 returning (Thompson) - 0 expired - 1 data entry error = 38 TWUUG members.