Forum topics


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Revision as of 18:16, 6 October 2013

Here are some questions to ask yourself before posting that message on the TWUUG Email list:

  • Is this thread/topic Linux/FOSS/Unix related?
  • Is the subject related to the contents of the message?
  • Does it quote enough that people can follow the thread?
  • Is it too long? Too short?
  • Does my request for help contain enough background information?
  • Could it be misinterpreted? In what way?
  • Will this offend TWUUG members?
  • Will it cause conflict? Anger?
  • Could this be interpreted as personal attack?
  • Does it contain just opinions or some factual information?
  • Will it drive a wedge between people or bring them together?
  • Is this productive?
  • Is this basically negative or positive?
  • Does it help find solutions or just point out flaws?
  • What is my motive? Who is the audience?
  • Could I say this better? Should I say nothing at all?
  • Is this something I want to see in an archive, years from now?
  • Is this how I want to portray myself?
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