

(Difference between revisions)

Latest revision as of 18:29, 14 March 2008

January 2008

Presentation by Michael Horta on Bastille Unix hardening tools to help protect your computer.

Mark Davis brief overviews of the Silverlight threat, manually installing packages, and misc. Phil Wilshire showed the latest Linux Blackfin computer. Mike Logan had stuff to give away.

The meeting WAS audio recorded. Lots of discs were available.

Audio recordings in mp3 and ogg formats of the Bastille Unix presentation is available in the audio section. The files might move to another location later, so let us know if the link becomes broken. Recording courtesy of Anthony Gartner.

Attendance: 32 members +2 new members +0 returning members +0 visitors = 34 attendees, minimum. (Pretty sure there were several that didn't sign in).

Membership: 100 members +2 new members (Blocker, Gartner) +0 returning members -5 expired members (Bilbrey, Feehan, Gammon, Johnson, Lai,)= 97 TWUUG members.

We have one members who have now reached "Senior Member" status: Hoyt Duff Congratulations!

Treasury is $1700

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