

February 2008

Presentation by Mark Davis on removable storage: Automounting, device nodes, mount points, flash drives, usbstorage, etc.

Ethan O'Toole tried to show his multiplatform, network connected, dual HD video HD Homerun. Unfortunately, we couldn't get a TV signal in the meeting room!

Had an introduction to Providence Computers, a small, local computer store, who said they will start to carry only hardware that works with Linux and also sell Linux based systems.

We also had a pre-meeting group that worked on virtual machines. More pre-meetings may occur in the future depending on demand.

The meeting WAS audio recorded. Lots of discs were available.

The audio recording is currently in the editing process 
and will be referenced from this page once it is complete.

Attendance: 18 members, +5 new, +0 returning, +2 visitors = 25 attendees, minimum (Pretty sure there were several that didn't sign in).

Membership: 97 members +5 new members (McSpadden, McGinnis, Warren, Quiazon, Pancho) +0 returning members -1 expired member (L.Johnson)= 101 TWUUG members.

We have two members who have now reached "Fellow Member" status: Anthony VanCampen and Nick DePaulo!