

April 2009

We didn't have any formal presentations at this meeting, so it was more of an open-topic/discussion:

  • Mark Davis showed how to use sftp as integrated into Gnome & KDE to access files remotely and easily.
  • Installed Linux Skype on an EEE and showed it working great with the built-in sound, mic, and even webcam with other EEE's in the room. It also worked behind a very restrictive Linux-based firewall (with most outgoing ports blocked), which surprised everyone.
  • Although off-topic, there was some discussion about HDTV, streaming video, etc.

The meeting was NOT audio recorded. No discs were available.

Attendance: 12 members +0 new +1 returning +3 visitors = 16 attendees, minimum.

Membership: 92 members +0 new members +1 returning (McConnell) -5 expired members (V. Harris, Haudricourt, Logan, McSpadden, B. Williams) = 88 TWUUG members.

Cliff McWaters reached his "Fellow Member" status this month.

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