

Everybody loves pizza
Lots of nice door prizes
Three presentations
Good turnout
4th Annual Super Summer Saturday TWUUG Meeting
  • Attendees scoffed down 15 large pizzas and two boxes of brownies along with 18 liters of soda!
  • There were 38 door prizes given out, provided by our sponsors: Think Geek and O'Reilly.
  • Mark Davis gave a presentation on Linux Software RAID. The presentation slides are available HERE
  • Matthew Fillpot gave a presentation on Gnome Shell the next Gnome window manager.
  • Sheldon Davis shared photos of his trip to The SouthEast LinuxFest

Significant discs were made available.

Attendance: 27 members + 0 new + 3 returning + 5 visitors = 35 attendees, minimum (I counted 39 people at one point).

Membership: 75 members + 0 new members + 3 returning members (Spicer, Self, Fix) - 2 expired (Hicks, Talmazov)= 76 TWUUG members.