- Special Saturday 08/04/2012 meeting with free pizza, drinks, desserts.
- Mark Davis:
- Presentation on Systemd, the new mechanism for starting Linux services, handling init and runlevels, and much more.
- Shared experience with new type of touchscreen monitor under Linux.
- Showed a serial Vacuum fluorescent display with serial interface.
- Briefly discussed recent Linux gaming developments with the Valve announcements and also the Linux Android Ouya.
- Frank Bell gave a presentation on KeePassX, a FOSS program that stores, manages, and secures passwords.
Treasury is $1235
Attendance: 19 members + 0 new + 4 returning + 6 visitors = 29 attendees, minimum.
Membership: 63 members + 0 new members + 4 returning members (Fix, Juda, Kerwin, R.Johnson) - 5 expired (Ayodele, Byrd, Manos, Massie, Roberts) = 62 TWUUG members.